🚢📦🖥️ Lesson 19: Kubernetes API and Clients


The Kubernetes API is the foundation of the Kubernetes platform, enabling users and applications to interact with the Kubernetes cluster. It provides a consistent interface for managing resources, deploying applications, and automating operations. This lesson covers key concepts, tools, and best practices for using the Kubernetes API and clients, including kubectl, client libraries, and custom controllers.


kubectl is the command-line tool for interacting with the Kubernetes API. It allows users to manage Kubernetes resources, perform administrative tasks, and view cluster information.

Basic Commands:

  • Get Resources:
    kubectl get pods
    kubectl get services
    kubectl get nodes
  • Create Resources:
    kubectl apply -f myapp-deployment.yaml
  • Update Resources:
    kubectl set image deployment/myapp myapp=nginx:1.16.1
  • Delete Resources:
    kubectl delete pod mypod

Resource Management:

  • Namespaces:
    kubectl create namespace mynamespace
    kubectl get namespaces
    kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=mynamespace
  • Labels and Selectors:
    kubectl label pod mypod app=myapp
    kubectl get pods -l app=myapp

Debugging and Troubleshooting:

  • Logs:
    kubectl logs mypod
  • Describe:
    kubectl describe pod mypod
  • Exec:
    kubectl exec -it mypod -- /bin/bash

Client Libraries

Client libraries provide programmatic access to the Kubernetes API, enabling developers to build custom tools and applications that interact with Kubernetes clusters. Kubernetes supports client libraries in multiple programming languages, including Go, Python, Java, and JavaScript.

Go Client Library Setup:

import (

func main() {
    config, err := rest.InClusterConfig()
    if err != nil {

    clientset, err := kubernetes.NewForConfig(config)
    if err != nil {

    pods, err := clientset.CoreV1().Pods("").List(context.TODO(), metav1.ListOptions{})
    if err != nil {

    for _, pod := range pods.Items {
        fmt.Printf("Pod Name: %s\n", pod.Name)

Python Client Library Setup:

from kubernetes import client, config

def main():

    v1 = client.CoreV1Api()
    pods = v1.list_pod_for_all_namespaces(watch=False)
    for pod in pods.items:
        print(f"Pod Name: {pod.metadata.name}")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Custom Controllers

Custom controllers extend the functionality of Kubernetes by watching for changes in resources and taking specific actions based on those changes. They enable users to automate complex operations and create custom workflows.

Custom Controller Example:

import (

func main() {
    // Setup client
    config, err := rest.InClusterConfig()
    if err != nil {
    clientset, err := kubernetes.NewForConfig(config)
    if err != nil {

    // Setup informer
    informer := cache.NewSharedInformer(
        cache.NewListWatchFromClient(clientset.CoreV1().RESTClient(), "pods", metav1.NamespaceAll, fields.Everything()),

        AddFunc: func(obj interface{}) {
            pod := obj.(*v1.Pod)
            fmt.Printf("New Pod Added: %s\n", pod.Name)

    stopCh := make(chan struct{})
    defer close(stopCh)

Best Practices for Custom Controllers:

  • Use Informers: Use informers to efficiently watch for changes in resources.
  • Handle Errors: Implement robust error handling to ensure reliability.
  • Optimize Resource Usage: Optimize resource usage to minimize impact on cluster performance.

Best Practices for Using Kubernetes API and Clients

  • Security: Secure API access by using RBAC and TLS certificates. Ensure least privilege access for users and applications.
  • Versioning: Keep client libraries and custom controllers up-to-date with the latest Kubernetes API versions.
  • Monitoring: Implement monitoring and logging for API interactions and custom controllers to detect and address issues promptly.
  • Documentation: Document API usage, client configurations, and custom controllers to ensure clarity and ease of maintenance.


The Kubernetes API is the foundation of the Kubernetes platform, enabling users and applications to interact with the cluster. kubectl, client libraries, and custom controllers are essential tools for managing and automating Kubernetes operations. By understanding and using these tools effectively, administrators and developers can ensure efficient and reliable management of Kubernetes environments.

Key Takeaways

Key Takeaway
kubectl is the command-line tool for interacting with the Kubernetes API.
Client libraries provide programmatic access to the Kubernetes API, enabling custom tool and application development.
Custom controllers extend the functionality of Kubernetes by automating complex operations based on resource changes.
Best practices for using the Kubernetes API and clients include ensuring security, keeping client libraries up-to-date, implementing monitoring, and documenting configurations.

Q&A for Interview Prep

What is the purpose of `kubectl` in Kubernetes? `kubectl` is the command-line tool used to interact with the Kubernetes API for managing resources, performing administrative tasks, and viewing cluster information.
How can you create a resource in Kubernetes using `kubectl`? Use the command `kubectl apply -f myapp-deployment.yaml` to create resources from a configuration file.
What command in `kubectl` can be used to update a deployment's image? Use the command `kubectl set image deployment/myapp myapp=nginx:1.16.1` to update the deployment's image.
What is the role of client libraries in Kubernetes? Client libraries provide programmatic access to the Kubernetes API, enabling the development of custom tools and applications to interact with Kubernetes clusters.
How can you list all the pods in all namespaces using the Python client library? Use `v1.list_pod_for_all_namespaces(watch=False)` to list all pods across namespaces.
What is the role of custom controllers in Kubernetes? Custom controllers automate complex operations by watching for changes in resources and taking actions based on those changes.
What Kubernetes component can be used to efficiently watch for changes in resources? Informers are used to efficiently watch for changes in resources and manage events in Kubernetes.
How do you secure API access in Kubernetes? Secure API access by using RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) and TLS certificates, ensuring least privilege access for users and applications.
What is a best practice for using custom controllers in Kubernetes? Use informers to watch for resource changes efficiently and implement robust error handling for reliability.
What should you do to ensure the security and efficiency of Kubernetes API interactions? Implement monitoring and logging for API interactions, keep client libraries up-to-date, and document configurations for clarity and maintenance.

Explore the contents of the other lectures - by click a lecture.


S No
Introduction to Kubernetes Overview, Concepts, Benefits
Getting Started with K8s + Kind Installation, Configuration, Basic Commands
Getting Started with K8s + Minikube Installation, Configuration, Basic Commands
Kubernetes Architecture Control Plane, Nodes, Components
Core Concepts Pods, ReplicaSets, Deployments
Service Discovery and Load Balancing Services, Endpoints, Ingress
Storage Orchestration Persistent Volumes, Persistent Volume Claims, Storage Classes
Automated Rollouts and Rollbacks Deployment Strategies, Rolling Updates, Rollbacks
Self-Healing Mechanisms Probes, Replication, Autoscaling
Configuration and Secret Management ConfigMaps, Secrets
Resource Management Resource Quotas, Limits, Requests
Advanced Features and Use Cases DaemonSets, StatefulSets, Jobs, CronJobs
Networking in Kubernetes Network Policies, Service Mesh, CNI Plugins
Security Best Practices RBAC, Network Policies, Pod Security Policies
Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) Creating CRDs, Managing CRDs
Helm and Package Management Helm Charts, Repositories, Deploying Applications
Observability and Monitoring Metrics Server, Prometheus, Grafana
Scaling Applications Horizontal Pod Autoscaling, Vertical Pod Autoscaling
Kubernetes API and Clients kubectl, Client Libraries, Custom Controllers
Multi-Tenancy and Cluster Federation Namespaces, Resource Isolation, Federation V2
Cost Optimization Resource Efficiency, Cost Management Tools
Disaster Recovery and Backups Backup Strategies, Tools, Best Practices
Prompt Engineering
In the dynamic world of containers, Kubernetes is the captain that navigates through the seas of scale, steering us towards efficiency and innovation.😊✨ - The Alchemist "

GitHub Link: 
  • Kubernetes
  • K8s
  • Container Orchestration
  • Cloud Native
  • Docker
  • kubectl
  • Kubernetes Architecture
  • Control Plane
  • Nodes
  • Services
  • Pods
  • ReplicaSets
  • Deployments
  • Service Discovery
  • Load Balancing
  • Storage Orchestration
  • Persistent Volumes
  • Volume Claims
  • Storage Classes
  • Rollouts
  • Rollbacks
  • Self-Healing
  • ConfigMaps
  • Secrets
  • Resource Management
  • Quotas
  • Limits
  • Advanced Features
  • Networking
  • RBAC
  • Network Policies
  • Pod Security
  • CRDs
  • Helm
  • Monitoring
  • Prometheus
  • Grafana
  • Scaling
  • API Clients
  • Multi-Tenancy
  • Cluster Federation
  • Cost Optimization
  • Disaster Recovery
  • Backups
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Last Updated: December 30, 2024 19:17:17